Holyrood palace, Surgeons museum, Food festival and cinema

My last week in Edinburgh is over now! But I experienced a lot in this week.


On Wednesday I went to the Holyrood Palast with Evi. I liked it a lot. In my opinion it is more beautiful than the Castle. At the beginning of the tour we got an audio guide. In the palsat, we were shown the different sumptuous rooms and the audio guide gave us the historical details. After the normal tour there was a special exhibition of Harry and Meghans wedding. The most impressiv for me was deffinitely Megahns wedding dress. The tour ended in the Holyrood Abbey and the royal Gardens. 


The next day, on Thursday I went with some friends from school to the Surgeons Hall Museum. It was quite interesting but after the tour I felt sick because of all the organs and parts of the body in glasses. I have learnt a lot but I would not return, for me it was just to much. Some of my freinds really liked it but they also want to become a doctor.


On Friday was my last day at school which made me really sad. I found so many friends and school was great fun, I learnt so many interesting and useful things. But anyways Friday was a nice day, after school we went to the Edinburgh Food Festival with the whole school. The food was delicious and the time we spent together unforgettable. Then the time came to say goodbye, which I believe was for non uf us easy.

Later on I went to the cinema with Evi, We watched the Lion King. It was such a cute film, I would highly recommend it to everybody.